8 trademarks were found for owners matching the name Velocity Surf Project Pty Ltd.
1 TM: 2212746
Owner: Velocity Surf Project Pty Ltd
Class: 3
Status: Registered: Registered/protected
2 TM: 2155766
Owner: velocity surf project pty ltd
Class: 3
Status: Lapsed: Notice of intention to defend not filed
3 TM: 1785385
Desc: surfbuy
Owner: Velocity surf project pty ltd
Class: 35
Status: Lapsed: Registration fee not paid on time
4 TM: 1785389
Desc: sportbuy
Owner: Velocity surf project pty ltd
Class: 35
Status: Lapsed: Registration fee not paid on time
5 TM: 1785395
Desc: swimbuy
Owner: Velocity surf project pty ltd
Class: 35
Status: Lapsed: Registration fee not paid on time
6 TM: 1785400
Desc: swimbuy
Owner: Velocity surf project pty ltd
Class: 35
Status: Lapsed: Registration fee not paid on time
7 TM: 1785408
Desc: skatebuy
Owner: Velocity surf project pty ltd
Class: 35
Status: Lapsed: Registration fee not paid on time
8 TM: 1548018
Owner: Velocity surf project pty ltd
Class: 3, 4
Status: Lapsed: Registration fee not paid on time