8 trademarks were found for owners matching the name Kelly Windsor Australia Pty Ltd.
1 TM: 1730479
Owner: Kelly & Windsor Australia Pty Ltd
Class: 24
Status: Registered: Registered/protected
2 TM: 1424548
Desc: Alpaca Gold
Owner: Kelly & Windsor Australia Pty Ltd
Class: 22, 24
Status: Lapsed: Not accepted
3 TM: 1424549
Desc: Alpaca Classic
Owner: Kelly & Windsor Australia Pty Ltd
Class: 24
Status: Lapsed: Not accepted
4 TM: 1424551
Desc: Alpaca Light
Owner: Kelly & Windsor Australia Pty Ltd
Class: 24
Status: Lapsed: Not accepted
5 TM: 1423038
Desc: Alpaca UltraSoft
Owner: Kelly & Windsor Australia Pty Ltd
Class: 24
Status: Lapsed: Not accepted
6 TM: 1386677
Desc: Australian Country Wool
Owner: Kelly & Windsor Australia Pty Ltd
Class: 24
Status: Lapsed: Not accepted
7 TM: 1435297
Owner: Kelly and Windsor Australia Pty Ltd
Class: 24
Status: Lapsed: Not accepted
8 TM: 943837

Owner: Kelly and Windsor Australia Pty Ltd
Class: 20, 24
Status: Registered: Registered/protected