3 trademarks were found for owners matching the name Gorilla Software Pty Ltd.
1 TM: 1388785
Desc: TradeLocal
Owner: Gorilla Software Pty Ltd
Class: 35
Status: Lapsed: Registration fee not paid on time
2 TM: 1758803
Desc: AIKA
Owner: Gorilla Software Pty Ltd as trustee for Housseas Family Trust, Roaming Software Pty Limited as trustee for Gougoustamos Family Trust
Class: 9, 35, 42
Status: Registered: Registered/protected
3 TM: 1259934
Owner: Roaming Software Pty Ltd as trustee of the Gougoustamos Family Trust, Gorilla Software Pty Ltd as trustee of the Housseas Family Trust
Class: 9, 42
Status: Removed
Not renewed: Renewal fee not paid