4 trademarks were found for owners matching the name Barrenjoey Security Group Pty Ltd.
1 TM: 1306754
Desc: Manly Locksmiths
Owner: Barrenjoey Security Group Pty. Ltd.
Class: 37
Status: Lapsed: Not accepted
2 TM: 1304151
Desc: Barrenjoey Alarm Services
Owner: Barrenjoey Security Group Pty Ltd
Class: 9
Status: Registered: Registered/protected
3 TM: 1304145
Desc: Barrenjoey Locksmiths and Alarms
Owner: Barrenjoey Security Group Pty Ltd
Class: 9, 37
Status: Registered: Registered/protected
4 TM: 1304147
Desc: Barrenjoey Locksmith Services
Owner: Barrenjoey Security Group Pty Ltd
Class: 37
Status: Registered: Registered/protected