Trademark: MSF 903854
Trademark Type
Not renewed: Renewal fee not paid
Application Date
07 December 2001
Registration Date
07 December 2001

Refer to WIPO address for Correspondence

Goods and Services:
Class 42:
Providing of food and drink; temporary accommodation, hotel services, convalescence or rest homes, day-nurseries; medical, sanitary and beauty care; medical and hygiene advice, in particular for the populations of developing countries; veterinary and agricultural services; legal services; scientific and industrial research; research in medical, psychological, psychiatric, biological fields and in health in general; research in bacteriology, chemistry, geology; computer programming, updating and maintaining software; development (design) of software, in particular for managing stocks of medicines and other materials dispatched as emergency humanitarian aid, and also development (design) of software intended for collation of information on the care to be provided for certain types of epidemics and disasters, and information concerning sick persons; emergency medical and surgical services; supply of sanitary installations, transportable constructions, temporary accommodation, tents, beds, household linen and all other materials necessary for setting up an emergency camp in a humanitarian aid context; services of a psychologist; reporter and photographic reporting services; provision of clothing; emergency accommodation for refugees and homeless, ill or endangered persons in the context of humanitarian operations; supplying services, hospital services; services of mediators and observers in the context of inter-ethnic conflicts and other armed conflicts and intervention before involved media and institutions; medical and psychological assistance on the occasion of armed conflicts, internal conflicts and post-conflict situations, famine, food shortages, and in combating epidemics and economic and social precariousness; humanitarian aid, including humanitarian aid to endangered populations, emergency assistance in case of war, epidemic or natural disaster; consulting concerning environmental protection; patent exploitation; provision of foodstuffs, drinks and medicines in aid missions to endangered persons; logistical advice concerning transport for humanitarian aid in developing countries or countries at war, namely advice concerning implementation of all means of transport required for humanitarian aid work on the ground, in particular dispatch of office, tools, lighting, electricity supplies, supplies of medical equipment, transport means, (cars, lorries, boats, aircraft), communication means, (computer, radio), materials for re-equipping health centres and hospitals; engineering services associated with humanitarian aid in developing countries; aid on the occasion of armed conflicts, internal conflicts and post-conflict situations, famine, food shortage, and in combating epidemics and precariousness, namely services rendered in providing food, drinks and medicines for nutritional and medical care provided in the context of a programme of emergency resupplying and re-equipping of health centres and hospitals