Trademark Type
Lapsed: Not accepted
Application Date
13 March 2000

Service Station Association Limited

Goods and Services:
Class 42:
Representation, communication and promotion of the interests of the retail motor trades to Australian governments, parliaments and legislative assemblies at all levels; via many means, including the preparation of submissions to government and government-appointed committees of inquiry and review, as well as appearances before these committees; liaison and negotiation with relevant government departments and agencies, like associations and other interested parties on matters of importance and relevance to the retail motor trades; representation of retail motor traders in a variety of fora, representative councils, advisory groups, business coalitions, working parties, policy and action consultative processes, statutory bodies' technical standards committees and the like; business, regulatory, tax, standards and technical advice to members, both trade-specific and more generally, and the maintenance of acceptable professional standards in retailing and representation in and administration of relevant codes of practice, both statutory and voluntary; statutory employer representative standing under industrial awards, authorised agencies for registering enterprise agreements and Australian workplace agreements; assistance in employee/employer relations and the resolution of disputes; the negotiation of industrial awards; the calculation of wage rates and advice on correct job classifications and wages payable under relevant awards; the provision of employment services that assist members in hiring staff; advice on environmental matters and assistance to members in preparing briefs and taking instructions in relation to planning, property, commercial and other areas of law, as well as assistance to members in preparing themselves to appear in court and other legal advisory services; free and partially-subsidised occupational health and safety (OH&S) training, as well as OH&S manuals targeted at small business needs and requirements; intervention on behalf of members in the event of customer complaints, if requested by the member in question in order to satisfactorily settle disputes; assistance in resolving complaints against, and disputes between, members; information services, such as journals, newsletters, advisings, Internet services and the promotion of the trades' interests and image through liaison with media and news channels; the organisation and hosting of dealer conventions, international motor shows and overseas study tours are also services provided by the applicants to retail motor traders; members also provide printing and desktop publishing services and stationery supplies to traders; debt collection services and advice regarding legal action seeking the payment of debts, if necessary; competitive road service through the development and establishment of road user clubs, with benefits for both motorists and members, as well as the hosting of free road worthiness assessment days for the public; advice, education and training to the automotive industry and other associated allied industries in every facet of the retail motor trades (through Australian National Training Association (ANTA) shareholding), as well as the provision of group training schemes to encourage the employment of apprentices in the trades; hosting of seminars regarding general business management and the coordination of and input into accreditation courses through Batman College for the retail motor trades; sponsorship of the industry's own superannuation fund; the MTAA Superannuation Fund (providing superannuation, insurance, retail credit, finance, home and business loan, and retirement incomes services to members); motorcharge, the applicant's industry-sponsored charge card; insurance services, including protection of motor vehicles of all types, fire cover, business interruption protection, accidental loss or damage cover, tax audit protection, business insurance products and home and contents insurance; a political action committee - the Motor Trades Electoral Action Committee (MTEAC) - designed to encourage, promote and pursue the need for motor trades issues to be addressed by governments; property and investment through Motor Trades Association House; and data collection and exchange through Engine Reconditioners Association (ERA) software