Trademark: ENHANCED DAILYS 2469489
Trademark Type
Accepted: Awaiting advertisement
Application Date
05 August 2024

The Legal Shop Pty Ltd

Goods and Services:
Class 9:
audio books; audiobooks; downloadable gift cards stored in digital wallets; digital content; downloadable digital media content being images; downloadable digital content being images; downloadable artworks; downloadable images; downloadable image, video and audio files; downloadable video and audio files; downloadable digital photographs; downloadable digital photos; downloadable image files; multimedia files, downloadable; downloadable multimedia files; downloadable data files; downloadable multimedia content; downloadable multimedia file; downloadable media content; downloadable posters; downloadable fiction e-books; downloadable coupon; downloadable coupons; downloadable electronic coupons; downloadable electronic gift certificates; downloadable podcasts; electronic newsletters; e-books; downloadable fiction electronic books; digital works of art and images, downloadable; digital books downloadable from the Internet; digital content, downloadable; downloadable digital content; digital media content, downloadable; downloadable digital media content; digital artworks and images, downloadable; downloadable digital artworks and images; downloadable digital works of art and images; posters, downloadable; downloadable media; multimedia content, downloadable; media content, downloadable; downloadable digital books; downloadable non-fiction e-books; electronic coupons, downloadable; electronic books; electronic publications; downloadable digital content in the form of electronic publications of books; digital books, downloadable; electronic books, downloadable; downloadable non-fiction electronic books; fiction electronic books, downloadable; electronic newsletters, downloadable; downloadable electronic publications; downloadable publications in electronic form; electronic publications, downloadable; downloadable electronic books; downloadable publications; electronic publications [downloadable] provided from databases or the Internet; electronic publications downloadable from databases or the Internet; electronic publications [downloadable] provided online from databases or the Internet; electronic publications [downloadable] provided on-line from databases or the Internet; downloadable digital content in the form of electronic publications of magazines; downloadable digital content in the form of electronic publications of newsletters
Class 35:
online marketing; online advertising; organisation of commercial events; organisation of events for commercial or advertising purposes; administration of loyalty and incentive schemes; administration of loyalty rewards programs; organisation of loyalty and incentive schemes; organization of loyalty and incentive schemes; administration of loyalty rewards programmes; administration of loyalty programmes involving discounts or incentives; administration of loyalty programs involving discounts or incentives; administration of sales and promotional incentive schemes; promoting the goods and services of others by means of a loyalty rewards card scheme; promoting the goods and services of others on the Internet; promoting the goods and services of others over the Internet; sales promotion of goods and services of others by means of discounts; promoting the goods and services of others through discount card programmes; promoting the goods and services of others through discount card programs; sales promotion of goods and services of others by means of discounts and premiums in the form of promotional lotteries; promoting the sale of goods and services of others through promotional events; sales promotion through the administration of customer loyalty coupons; sales promotion through the administration of customer loyalty codes; sales promotion through customer loyalty programs; trade promotional services; organization of prize draws for advertising purposes; organisation of prize draws for advertising purposes