Trademark Type
Cancelled: Cancelled at the request of IB
Application Date
27 May 2020
Cancellation Date
06 September 2023

Refer to WIPO address for Correspondence

Goods and Services:
Class 9:
Cameras; digital cameras; digital video cameras; mounting devices for cameras; cameras for aerial photography and video; remotely-controlled video camera containing a camera, transmitter, and receiver for recording and transmitting audio visual data on drones; computer application software for mobile phones, tablets, handheld computers, for use in managing, controlling, and tracking drones and remotely-controlled video cameras; computer software for managing, controlling, and tracking drones and remotely-controlled video cameras for drones; autopilots for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones; navigation apparatus and system for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones comprising of circuit boards, integrated circuits, electronic circuits, electric sensors, proximity sensors, GPS antenna, data processors, digital signal processors, and embedded software for altitude solution and flight controls; mission computer software for the command, control and operation of unmanned aerial vehicles or drones and for the autonomous waypoint navigation, take-off, landing, loiter, and other related algorithms for controlling unmanned aerial vehicles or drones; software for the autonomous control and monitoring of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones location, speed, altitude, and position; software for sending commands and information to and from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones; software for displaying information, video, and images sent from the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones; computer software for use in aerial photography and video, mapping, three-dimensional mapping, and aerial photography and video for use in construction projects and infrastructure maintenance and inspection; computer hardware for use in drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the purpose of collision avoidance and object detection; downloadable computer software systems for use in drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that includes artificial intelligence capabilities for intelligent observation, detection, and collision avoidance.