Trademark Type
Lapsed: Not accepted
Application Date
18 September 2017

Patent Sense Pty Ltd

Goods and Services:
Class 45:
Administration of legal estates; Administration services (legal) for businesses; Advisory services relating to consumers rights; Advisory services relating to intellectual property rights; Advisory services relating to security; Advisory services relating to the law; Alternative dispute resolution services; Arbitration services; Arranging for visas other than travel visas; Association services (providing legal representation or legal advice to members of the association); Bailiff services (legal services); Barrister services; Certification of legal documents; Company registration services; Conveyancing; Crime prevention advisory services; Criminal investigations; Dispute and conflict resolution (arbitration services); Enforcement of intellectual property rights; Enforcement of trade mark rights; Establishment of intellectual property rights; Information services relating to consumer rights; Information services relating to legal matters; Intellectual property licensing services; Judicial advocacy services; Judicial inquiry services; Legal administration of licences; Legal advice; Legal advocacy services; Legal aid services; Legal consultancy services; Legal document preparation services; Legal enquiry services; Legal information research services; Legal information services; Legal investigation services; Legal mediation services; Legal research; Legal services; Legal services in relation to the negotiation of contracts for others; Legal services relating to wills; Legal support services; Legislative advocacy services; Litigation advice; Litigation services; Mediation; Mediation services (arbitration services); Mediation services for marital disputes; Monitoring intellectual property rights for legal advisory purposes; Notarial services; Personal legal services; Professional advisory services relating to infringement of industrial property; Provision of information relating to legal services; Provision of judicial information; Provision of legal information; Provision of legal research; Provision of legal services; Solicitors' services