Trademark: Uni'd 1700913
Trademark Type
Lapsed: Registration fee not paid on time
Application Date
03 July 2015

Uni'd Group PTY. LTD.

Goods and Services:
Class 35:
Business organization and management of discount services; Charitable services, namely business management and administration; Charitable services, namely organising and conducting volunteer programmes and community service projects; Charitable services, namely the recruitment, organisation and deployment of volunteers; Consumer advocacy services; Discount services (retail, wholesale, or sales promotion services); Employment related advocacy services; Event management services (organization of exhibitions or trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes); Fashion show services (advertising or promotional services); Intermediary business services relating to the commercialisation of goods; Job placement services; Market analysis reporting services; Market analysis services; Market research data collection services; Market research data retrieval services; Marketing advisory services; Marketing agency services; Online data processing services; Ordering services (for others); Organisational services for business purposes; Price comparison services; Procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); Product launch services; Professional recruitment services; Promotional advertising services; Promotional services; Provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; Retail clothing shop services; Retail services; Sponsorship (promotion and marketing services); Staff recruitment services; Technology transfer services (business services)