Trademark: Ready to restore 1351042
Ready to restore
Trademark Type
Registered: Registered/protected
Application Date
17 March 2010
Registration Date
17 March 2010
Renewal Date
17 March 2030

Livebackup Pty Ltd

Goods and Services:
Class 9:
Telecommunications and communications equipment, apparatus and systems; telephone equipment, apparatus and systems including mobile, cordless, wireless and VOIP equipment; facsimile equipment, apparatus and systems; computer equipment, apparatus and systems including wireless and remote access equipment and apparatus; computer hardware including servers, CPUs, motherboards, memory, fans and coolers, desktop and laptop computers; computer software including personal, business, financial, systems, publishing, presentation, design and entertainment, data protection, storage and retrieval software; computer peripheral devices and accessories; modems; transmission, receiving and storage equipment, apparatus and systems; publications in electronic form supplied on-line from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet (including web sites); apparatus and instruments for recording, transmission, reception, processing, retrieval, reproduction, manipulation, analysis, display and print out of sound, images and/or data; CD-ROMs; discs and tapes; Internet and online security equipment, apparatus, systems and software including firewall and security software, virus detection software, security equipment apparatus and systems; networking equipment, apparatus and systems including printers; scanners; routers and cables; GPS systems and devices; power devices including racks, surge protectors, line conditioners; storage equipment, apparatus and systems including disk drives, tape drives, controllers, network attached storage and network storage systems; onsite and offsite data protection, storage and retrieval equipment, apparatus and systems; video and audio equipment, apparatus and systems including digital still and video cameras, DVD players, CD players, video players, hard disk recorders, projectors, television and home entertainment equipment and apparatus, tuners and receivers; apparatus for games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; gaming accessories and peripherals; point of sale and ecommerce equipment, apparatus, systems and software; all associated parts, accessories and fittings in this class