Trademark Type
Lapsed: Registration fee not paid on time
Application Date
12 October 2008

H A Goolsbee

Goods and Services:
Class 5:
Baby food; biological food preparations; food stuffs especially made for medical purposes; food substances adapted for medical use; food supplements for medical purposes; foods adapted for medical use; foodstuffs for babies; foodstuffs for infants; fortifying foodstuffs of minerals or vitamins; health food supplements made principally of minerals; medical foodstuff additives for pharmaceutical use; preparations for use as additives to food for human consumption (vitamins); preparations for use as dietetic additives for food (medicinal); preparations for use as dietetic additives for food (minerals); preparations for use as dietetic additives for food (pharmaceutical); preparations for use as dietetic additives for food (trace elements); preparations for use as dietetic additives for food (veterinary); preparations for use as dietetic additives for food (vitamins); supplements (trace element) for foodstuffs for animals; supplements (trace element) for foodstuffs for human consumption; vitamin preparations in the nature of food supplements; vitamin supplements for foodstuffs for animals; vitamin supplements for foodstuffs for human consumption; All of the forgoing containing one or more of a variety of naturally occurring and/or synthetically derived nano-scale clusters of rare-earth minerals and/or nano-scale clusters of elements proportionately re- distributed as determined necessary on a case by case basis, some-or-all of which may be derived from natural spring waters, and/or ocean-waters, and/or brine-based solutions created from jurassic salt and/or naturally occurring salts sourced from ancient salt-lakes, volcanic plumes and/or other geological formations, meteorites, and/or other materials whether they be of terrestrial or extraterrestrial origin as determined necessary on a case by case basis; and all of which may or may not be spectroscopically invisible as determined to be scientifically accurate on a case by case basis; and all of which may or may not exhibit superconductive behavior as determined to be scientifically accurate on a case by case basis; and all of which may or may not be monatomic or diatomic in character as determined to be scientifically accurate on a case by case basis; and all as required by the foregoing individual formulae in question if determined to be scientifically accurate and necessary on a case by case basis