Town planning consultancy, design and advisory services; civil engineering design services; engineering project management and design services; designing and planning of real estate subdivisions and developments; services relating to urban design; services relating to the development of retirement villages; services relating to rezoning of land; services relating to planning policy in regard to land developments; services relating to strata subdivision; services relating to development approval of land and project developments; sustainable design services; environment design services; environmental conservation; environmental consultancy services; environmental hazard assessment; environmental monitoring services; environmental surveys; environmental sustainability consultancy services; sustainability assessment services for buildings and developments; environmental testing; provision of information relating to environmental sustainability; services relating to development of district, local, urban and ground water management strategies; services relating to foreshore, public open space, wetland, fire management plans; assessment services relating to development of land estates foreshores, open spaces ground water resources and land capability; assessment and management services relating to contaminated sites; geotechnical services relating to land development and building projects and civil engineering projects including site investigations and reporting, subsoil assessment; conducting of feasibility studies; design of feasibility studies; engineering feasibility studies
Topographical analysis of aerial photographs and surveys; Analysis of geological samples; Analysis of building materials; Analysis of materials; Analysis of tissues for medical research; Chemical analysis; Advisory services relating to computer systems analysis; Computer analysis; Computer system analysis; Handwriting analysis (graphology); Industrial analysis; Laboratory analysis; Metallurgical analysis; Product analysis; Providing information, including online, about industrial analysis and research services; Scientific and technical analysis; Technical data analysis services; Technological analysis services; Technological engineering analysis; Toxicity analysis; Tyre analysis services; Analysis of water; Water analysis; Preparation of scientific reports; Provision of scientific information; Provision of surveys (scientific); Rental of scientific equipment; Rental of scientific instruments; Scientific advisory services; Scientific and technological services; Scientific computer programming services; Providing scientific information, advice and consultancy relating to carbon offsetting; Scientific consultancy; Scientific laboratory services; Supervision of scientific research projects; Preparation of reports relating to scientific research; Analysis of statistical data for scientific research; Provision of information relating to scientific research; Providing information, including online, about scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; Laboratory services (scientific research or analysis); Scientific research; Scientific research in the field of pharmacy; Scientific research into the development of new products; Scientific research relating to bacteriology; Scientific research relating to biology; Scientific research relating to chemical products; Scientific research relating to chemistry; Scientific research relating to cosmetics; Scientific research relating to ecology; Scientific research relating to genetics; Scientific testing services; Development of industrial processes; Industrial design; Industrial design styling; Industrial engineering design services; Industrial inspection; Inspection (testing) of industrial installations; Industrial testing; Provision of information relating to industrial design; Provision of information relating to industrial engineering; Research relating to industrial machinery; Creating and maintaining weblogs (blogs) for others; Hosting of weblogs (blogs)
Town planning; Town planning advisory services; Town planning consultancy services; Urban planning; Technical planning relating to real estate development projects; Local planning authority services; Drawing up of plans; Preparation of engineering reports; Preparation of technical reports; Provision of engineering reports; Online provision of web-based applications (non-downloadable); Preparation of scientific reports; Analysis of statistical data for scientific research; Conducting of feasibility studies (scientific research); Conducting statistical scientific studies; Demographic survey services for scientific purposes; Providing scientific information, advice and consultancy relating to carbon offsetting; Provision of information relating to scientific research; Provision of scientific information; Scientific advisory services; Scientific and technical analysis; Scientific consultancy; Scientific research; Supervision of scientific research projects; Scientific testing services; Online provision of web-based software (non-downloadable); Software engineering; Hosting of software as a service (SaaS); Computer support services (software advisory and information services); Software creation; Advisory services relating to the planning of premises; Advisory services relating to construction planning; Advisory services relating to scientific research; Advisory services relating to energy efficiency; Advisory services relating to material testing; Advisory services relating to product testing; Advisory services relating to science; Advisory services relating to the safety of products; Advisory services relating to the use of energy; Computer programming; Computer programming consultancy; Engineering services relating to computer programming; Advisory services relating to computer software; Computer software advisory services; Computer software consultancy; Urban design; Designing and planning of real estate subdivisions and developments; Design planning; Preparation of reports relating to design; Providing information, including online, about design and development of computer hardware and software; Design and development of computer software; Civil engineering (design); Database design; Design engineering; Design consultancy; Advisory services relating to building design; Advisory services relating to interior design; Design services relating to civil engineering; Building design services; Civil engineering design services; Commercial design services; Preparation of architectural reports; Preparation of reports relating to architecture; Design services for architecture; Advisory services relating to architecture; Architectural consultation; Architectural designs services; Architectural project management; Architectural services; Engineering services relating to architecture; Research relating to architecture; Architectural services relating to land development; Providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; Building research services; Research relating to buildings; Research laboratories; Scientific research into the development of new products; Research and development of products; Commissioning (testing and inspection) services; Building and structural inspection services (engineering, quality assessment, and surveying services); Engineering surveys and inspections; Conducting technical project studies; Development of systems for the processing of data; Development of systems for the storage of data; Development of systems for the transmission of data; Development of computer systems; Evaluation of performance against bench-mark references; Advisory services relating to the preparation of quality standards; Testing, analysis and evaluation services relating to the application of commercial standards; Testing services for the certification of quality and standards; Setting of quality standards; Information services relating to quality standards; Testing, analysis and evaluation services relating to the application of industry standards; Industrial analysis; Advisory services relating to industrial design; Industrial design; Providing information, including online, about industrial analysis and research services; Industrial research; Laboratory services (scientific research or analysis); Mapping services; Technological planning services; Preparation of technological reports; Scientific and technological services; Scientific or technological research relating to safety; Advisory services relating to technological research; Providing information, including online, about scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; Information technology (IT) services (computer hardware, software and peripherals design and technical consultancy); Information services relating to information technology; Technological advisory services; Technological analysis services; Technological consultancy; Technological consulting services for digital transformation; Technological research; Technological studies
Town planning; Urban planning; Energy use and conservation consultancy; Town planning advisory services; Town planning consultancy services; Advisory services relating to the planning of premises; Advisory services relating to construction planning; Association services being the quality control of goods or services provided by members of the association; Local planning authority services; Technological planning services; Computer technology consultancy; Preparation of technological reports; Technological advisory services; Urban design; Design planning; Environment design services; Advisory services relating to building design; Design consultancy; Computer software consultancy; Computer software advisory services; Advisory services relating to computer software; Technical planning relating to real estate development projects; Information technology (IT) services (computer hardware, software and peripherals design and technical consultancy); Preparation of technical reports; Preparation of technical manuals; Benchmarking (technical testing); Technical data analysis services; Advisory services relating to technological research; Research, engineering and technical consultancy for industry; Analysis of statistical data for scientific research; Building research services; Provision of information relating to scientific research; Research in the field of building construction; Research relating to design; Consultancy in the design and development of computer software; Providing information, including online, about design and development of computer hardware and software; Development of software; Online provision of web-based applications (non-downloadable); Online provision of web-based software (non-downloadable); Provision of online non-downloadable software (application service provider); Provision of online non-downloadable web-based software; Provision of technical information in relation to computers; Hosting of software as a service (SaaS); Software as a service (SaaS); Software engineering; Provision of surveys (technical); Real estate surveys; Surveying