DNA screening for the purposes of scientific research; laboratory testing services; clinical trials; computer-aided diagnostic testing services; computer-aided scientific research, testing and analysis services; project studies, technical research and appraisals; writing, design, development and updating of software; technical support concerning the use of software; hosting of online platforms; provision of online non-downloadable software; provision of software on platforms enabling users to access software, computer networks, computer servers and computer and data storage systems and to use them; provision of temporary use of non-downloadable software for importing, management and analysis of data, incorporating automatic learning and artificial intelligence components; provision of software (Software as a Service, SaaS); software as a service [SaaS] featuring software for automatic learning and artificial intelligence to be used for data analysis; IT Platform as a Service (PaaS); provision of scientific information via web-based platforms; data storage and cloud computing for bioinformatic analysis; bioinformatic analysis services, development of software and pipeline architectures; provision of methods and tools for calculations and bioinformatics for data analysis; development and maintenance of data management software, database construction; development of genomic and bioinformatic applications; storage of data by computer; provision of advice and information for the aforesaid services or those relating thereto.
DNA testing; drug, alcohol and DNA screening for forensic research purposes; DNA analysis services for scientific research purposes; providing information about forensic evidence collection for the purposes of research; consulting services in the field of forensic evidence collection for the purposes of research; consulting services in the fields of forensic science; hosting a secure website enabling individuals to store and transmit information, including forensic tools, to assist law enforcement and search personnel should a child or dependent adult become a missing person; providing secure Software as a Service (SaaS) online enabling individuals to store and transmit information, including forensic tools, to assist law enforcement and search personnel should a child or dependent adult become a missing person; research services in the field of forensic science, namely, analysis, detection and isolation of biological substances in forensic samples; forensic research data provided via an online computer database; providing reagent sample testing and diagnostic services for others in the fields of science and research related thereto; custom design and development of chemical reagents and biochemical assays; design and testing of new food products for others; food safety testing and consultation related thereto; providing scientific services for others, namely, detecting, identifying, and reporting genetic identifiers and analysing the results, performing identification and setting up data exchange with databases; DNA analysis services to determine paternity; structural and functional analysis of genomes; testing, analysis and evaluation of DNA samples and tissue samples; hosting a database featuring information about forensic data
DNA testing services; Advisory services relating to scientific products; Advisory services relating to scientific research; Analytical laboratory services; Design of information systems; Genetic research; Chemical laboratory services; Laboratory analysis; Laboratory research; Laboratory services; Laboratory services (scientific research or analysis); Laboratory testing services; Scientific laboratory services; Management of scientific research projects; Preparation of reports relating to scientific research; Preparation of reports relating to technical research; Preparation of scientific reports; Product development; Advisory services relating to product testing; Design of commercial products; Design of consumer products; Design of new products; Design of products; Development of new products; Industrial research of new products; Product analysis; Product design; Product evaluation; Product testing; Research and development of new products for others; Research and development of products; Research into new products; Research to develop new products; Scientific research into the development of new products; Testing of new products; Testing of products; Provision of information relating to scientific research; Research relating to biotechnology; Scientific research relating to biology; Research relating to molecular sciences; Scientific and technical analysis; Scientific and technological services; Scientific research; Scientific research relating to genetics; Scientific testing services; Advisory services relating to material testing; Biotechnology testing; Development of testing methods; Material testing; Materials evaluation and testing; Provision of testing facilities; Technical diagnostic testing services; Technical testing services