Personal tour guide services; Travel tour guide services; Safaris; Arranging of sightseeing tours; Booking agency services for sightseeing tours; Conducting sightseeing tours; Organisation of sightseeing tours; Transport services for sightseeing tours; Arranging of travel visas; Itinerary planning services; Itinerary travel advice services; Booking agency services for car hire; Booking agency services relating to travel; Booking and reservation services for travel tours; Booking of tickets for travel; Services for the booking of travel; Ticket booking services for travel; Travel agency services for booking travel; Travel booking and reservation services provided in relation to a customer loyalty or frequent buyer scheme; Operating of tours; Organisation of tours; Provision of sightseeing tours (transport); Provision of tours; Reservation services for travel tours; Tour operator services; Tour organising; Tour reservation services; Tourist agency services (travel); Tourist travel reservation services; Travel tour guide services; Travel tour reservation services; Travel tours and cruises; Flight planning services; River transport; Chartering of ships; Rental of ships; Ship transport services; Charter of boats; Agency services for arranging tours; Agency services for arranging transportation; Agency services for arranging travel; Agents for arranging travel; Arranging of cruises; Arranging of passenger transportation services for others via an online application; Arranging of transportation for travel tours; Arranging of travel; Airline ticket reservation services; Computerised reservation services for travel; Holiday travel reservation services; Reservation services for tours; Reservation services for travel; Travel reservation; Travel ticket reservation services; Organisation of cruises; Travel agency services for arranging travel; Advisory services relating to transportation; Advisory services relating to travel; Computerised distribution advisory services relating to transport; Travel advisory services; Travel consultancy; Escorting of travellers; Information services relating to travel; Issuing of tickets for travel; Organisation of travel; Provision of information relating to travel; Provision of travel information; Provision of travel services from customer loyalty and frequent buyer schemes; Services for the arranging of travel; Transport of travellers; Travel arrangement; Travel guide services; Travel information services; Travel tour guide services; Transport services; Transport reservation; Tour operating; Arrangement of passenger transport; Arrangement of sightseeing tours; Arrangement of transportation; Arrangement of travel