switching network services (telecommunications); internet portal services (providing user access to a global computer network); operating of electronic communications networks; web portal services (providing user access to a global computer network); communications by fibre optic networks; communications by fiber optic networks; operation of local area networks; telecommunications security (providing secure connections and access including to computers and a global computer network); information services relating to electronic communication networks; operation of wide-band telecommunications networks; wireless communication services; computer network communication services; voip (voice over internet protocol) services; providing information, including online, about telecommunications; information about telecommunication; internet service provider (isp) services; telematic communication services; computerised communication services; telephone services; video conference services (telecommunications services); telephone paging services; pay telephone communication services; radio communication network services; providing access to online computer databases; provision of hyperlinks on a website; provision of hyperlinks to other websites; computerised data communications; providing access to databases; communication services between data banks; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; data transmission; transmission of computerised data; data communication services; communication services over computer networks; transmission of data; digital network telecommunications services; communication network consultancy; providing access to computer networks; data transmission services over telecommunications networks; providing user access to global computer networks; Providing access time to web sites (ISPs); Providing on-line communications links which transfer the web site user to other local and global web pages; Provision of links to other websites; Webcasting (broadcasting over a global computer network); Webcasting a television programme via the internet; Webcasting services; Telecommunications routing and junction services