Lipoprotein solution used as a cell culture medium supplement for scientific, laboratory and medical research and for biopharmaceutical manufacturing; lipoproteins, liposomes and lipid concentrates for non-medical use; cultures (other than for medical or veterinary use), including cultures of cell media or of microorganisms and cell culture media for use in the biotechnological industry; growth media; growth promoters (other than for medical or veterinary use), including cell growth promoters; growth stimulants (other than for medical or veterinary use); biological activators; fatty acids; protein and protein products (raw material); proteinaceous products for use in science; proteins for use (other than for medical use) in science, including proteins for use in recombinant DNA technology; albumen, including animal albumen (raw materials); biochemical preparations other than for medical use, including biochemical preparations for laboratory purposes and for scientific use; biological preparations (other than for medical or veterinary purposes), including biological preparations for laboratory purposes, and biological preparations for use in biotechnology and in cell cultures; biological products and substances (other than for medical or veterinary use); diagnostic preparations (other than for medical or veterinary purposes), including diagnostic preparations for laboratory use; diagnostic preparations for scientific purposes; diagnostic reagents, (other than for medical or medical laboratory use), including diagnostic reagents for scientific use; diagnostic substances, other than for medical use; diagnostic testing materials, other than for medical use; amino compounds; antimicrobial preservatives for pharmaceuticals; enzymes (other than for medical or veterinary use), including enzymes for scientific purposes; preservatives for pharmaceutical preparations; polysaccharides for use in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products; bacteria (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); bacterial and bacteriological preparations other than for medical and veterinary use; bacterial substances for scientific use; bactericides (other than for medical and veterinary use); bacteriological cultures (other than for medical and veterinary use); blood culture media for scientific use; blood grouping reagents (other than for medical use); immunoassay reagents, other than for medical use; immunoglobulins, other than for medical use; immunological antibodies, antisera and products, other than for medical use; nucleic acids; synthetic hormone preparations, other than for medical use; synthetic ribonucleic acid, other than for medical use; chemicals, chemical preparations, chemical reagents and chemical products for use (other than medical and veterinary) in science, biotechnology, immuno-assay testing, analysis (including scientific analysis), scientific research or pathology; chemicals, chemical preparations, chemical reagents and chemical products for use in coating pharmaceutical products or veterinary apparatus; chemicals, chemical preparations, chemical reagents and chemical products for use in the pharmaceutical industry, including for manufacturing pharmaceuticals; chemical products for use as fat substitutes; purification chemicals; cryogenic preparations; electrolyte solutions, other than for medical use; microbial inoculants, preparations and organisms, other than for medical use; reactants and reagents used for scientific purposes
Liquid crystal; caustic alkali; glycol; glycol ether, glycerides; chemical intensifiers for rubber; rubber preservatives; agglutinants for concrete; cement-waterproofing preparations, except paints; sodium salts (chemical preparations); barium compounds; soldering chemicals; soldering agents; wax-bleaching chemicals; chlorides; hydrochloric acid; chlorine; chemical reagents (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); plasticizers; dioxide of hydrogen; hydrogen peroxide; persulphates; surface-active chemical agents; surfactants; additives, chemical, to drilling muds; auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives; auxiliary agents for use with abrasives; chemical additives to motor fuel; additives, chemical, to motor fuel; combusting preparations (chemical additives to motor fuel); polish removing substances; caustic soda for industrial purposes; glycerine for industrial purposes; color-brightening chemicals for industrial purposes; salts for industrial purposes; industrial chemicals; metallic soap for industrial purposes; decolorants for industrial purposes; emollients for industrial purposes; bleaching preparations (decolorants) for industrial purposes; caustics for industrial purposes; additives, chemical, to fungicides; additives, chemical, to insecticides; acids; tetrachlorides; chemical intensifiers for paper, hypochlorite of soda; sodium hypochlorite; hyposulphites; coolants for vehicle engines; purification preparations; textile-waterproofing chemicals; stain-preventing chemicals for use on fabrics; textile-brightening chemicals; catalysts; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; chemical preparations for self-defence; degreasing preparations for use in manufacturing processes; antistatic preparations, other than for household purposes; petroleum dispersants; detergent additives to petrol (gasoline); detergent for petrol (gasoline); fulling preparations for use in textile industry; dressing and finishing preparations for textiles; fireproofing preparations; flame retardants; chemical preparations for the manufacture of paints; emulsifiers; fuel-saving preparations; ungluing preparations; antifreeze; corrosive preparations; separating and unsticking (ungluing) preparations; preservatives for pharmaceutical preparations; oil-bleaching chemicals; organic-bleaching chemicals; bleaching chemicals (organic); chemical condensation preparations; refrigerants; light stabilizers; chemical agent for semi-conductors manufacturing; cleaning and etching agents for semi-conductor; liquid encapsulant for semi-conductor, plastics additives for use in stabilizing during processing; chemical additives for plastic products; antimicrobial agents for industrial use; chemical agents; miscellaneous chemicals; soil-conditioning chemicals; soil-purifying agents; oleic acid; stearic acid; light curing resins; chemical preparations for use in photography; photographic sensitizers; photographic developers; artificial sweeteners (chemical preparations); acrylic resins, unprocessed; epoxy resins, unprocessed; plastics, unprocessed; synthetic resins, unprocessed; artificial resins, unprocessed; miscellaneous unprocessed plastics (plastics in primary form); fatty acids; detergents for use in manufacturing processes; chemical agent for electronic component and circuit materials; cleaning and etching agents for electronic component and circuit materials; liquid encapsulant for electronic component and circuit materials; fluorescent whitening agents; chemical additives for cleaning petroleum or gasoline