Hydroponic fertilizers and substrates; Fertilisers; Fertilisers consisting of compounds of nitrogen; Fertilising preparations; Liquid fertilisers; Fish meal fertilisers; Organic digestate (fertiliser); Peat (fertiliser); Phosphates (fertilisers); Superphosphates (fertilisers); Soil additives (fertilising); Slag (fertilisers); Seaweeds (fertilisers); Salts (fertilisers); Nitrogenous fertilisers; Mulch for soil enrichment (fertiliser); Chemical additives for fertilisers; Calcium cyanamide (fertiliser); Expanded clay for hydroponic plant growing (substrate); Chemical planting additives to facilitate rooting; Chemical preparations to prevent diseases affecting cereal plants; Carbolineum for the protection of plants; Chemical products for use as plant growth regulating preparations; Inoculants for plants; Mineral preparations for use as nutritional foodstuffs for plants; Trace element feeds for plants; Substances for promoting plant growth; Seaweed plant food; Rock fibres for use as artificial soil for plant cultivation; Preservatives for plants; Preparations of trace elements for plants; Substances for regulating growth in plants; Preparations for regulating plant growth; Preparations for promoting the growth of plants; Preparations for feeding plants; Plant nutrients; Plant growth stimulants (other than for medical or veterinary use); Plant growth stimulants; Plant growth regulators; Plant growth regulating preparations; Plant growth promoters (other than for medical or veterinary use); Plant growing substances; Plant growing media; Plant foods; Plant extracts for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; Plant extracts for use in the manufacture of food; Plant extracts for use in the manufacture of cosmetics; Plant extracts for the food industry; Nutrients for plants; Mineral products for use in growing plants; Plant substrates; Biostimulants for plants
Hydraulic brake fluid; Brake fluid; Additives, chemical, to motor fuel; Chemical additives for combustion enhancers; Chemical additives for cooling agents; Chemical additives for fuel; Chemical additives for motor fuels; Chemical additives for petroleum products; Chemical additives to motor fuel; Chemical compound additives for fuel; Chemical products for use as additives to fuels; Chemical substances for use as additives to petroleum products; Detergent additives for fuels; Detergent additives to petrol; Fuel chemical additives; Gasoline additives; Petrol additives (chemical); Petrol additives (petrochemical); Anti-boil preparations for engine coolants; Chemical preparations for use as coolants; Chemical products for use as coolants in compressing machines; Coolant preparations; Coolants; Engine coolants; Machine coolants; Machining coolants; Flushing agents for cooling systems; Radiator and cooling system flush; Radiator flushing chemicals; Chemical products for use in radiators; Chemical preparations for use in the treatment of tyres; Chemical degreaser liquids for use in manufacturing processes; Chemical degreasers for use in manufacturing processes; Chemical degreasing agents for use in manufacturing processes; Chemical degreasing liquids for use in manufacturing processes; Degreasers for use in manufacturing processes; Degreasing preparations for use in manufacturing processes; Chemical preparations for use as solvents; Cleaning solvents for use in manufacturing processes; Solvent cleaners for removing grease during manufacturing operations; Solvents for cleaning purposes during manufacturing operations; Solvents for industrial use in manufacturing operations; Solvents for removing adhesives used during manufacturing operations; Coolants for vehicle engines; Coolants for vehicle radiators; Anti-freeze for vehicle cooling systems; Chemicals for use in the automotive industry